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Call Transfer Team

Current Publishers  Sending Calls

The publisher name will be listed on caller ID with every phone number that shows up on web phone.

Mass Tort Campaigns ​


Cy/Jason - Sending Depo & Sex Abuse, Matter created, transfer person. If no matter - Matter Source = Cy/Jason Transfers, Campaign = Jason Leads


GP- Mass Tort - Sending NEC, Matter created, no transfer person. If no matter, create one Matter Source = Global Partners, Campaign = GP Mass Tort Leads â€‹


​Prophet Margin - Sending Depo, Matter created, transfer person. If no matter, create one Matter Source = Prophet Margin, Campaign = PM Leads 


Rthur Inc. A- Sending Depo, Matter created, no transfer person. If no matter, create one - Matter Source = Rthur Inc, Campaign = Rthur  A


Sakura  - Sending NEC, Matter created, no transfer person. If no matter, create one Matter Source = Sakura, Campaign = Sakura Leads 





​Go High Level - Matter created, no transfer person. If no matter, create one for every caller, Caller ID number is not the clients.  Matter Source=Go High Level, Campaign=GHL-Jason â€‹â€‹


GP MVAMatter created, no transfer person. If no matter, create one for every caller, Caller ID number is not the clients.  Matter Source= Global Partners, Campaign=GP MVA  


Lisa MVA 1 - Sending Georgia & TexasMatter created, no transfer person. If no matter, create one for every caller, Caller ID number is not the clients.  Matter Source=Lisa's Leads, Campaign=MVA - 1 


Lisa MVA 2 - Sending Georgia & Texas, Matter created, no transfer person. If no matter, create one for every caller, Caller ID number is not the clients.  Matter Source=Lisa's Leads, Campaign=MVA - 2 


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